Monday, July 24, 2006

National Service

I was just thinking how different today youth are from us. Note that I am a city boy and never had the privilege to grow up in a kampong but still I can feel the significant difference between myself and those sissy kids these days. Haha…. Wondering how the boys are going to survive army. But against these days NS are not what they used to be.

Remember those days when we:

- Need to get everything out of the cupboard in 5min? (That’s Easy)
- Then need to arrange everything neatly back in 5min? (Now you try that)
- Fall in all cupboards in the corridor.
- Polish you boots till you can see your own reflection.
- Doing over 100 push-ups in a go.
- Remains in push up position for 45mins.
- Prone in muddy water.
- Take you rifle into the shower (YES I did that and wash the mud off it too)
- Dig that bloody trench overnight and experienced my first hallucination.
- Doing knuckle push up till you bleed (Don’t know whether is it still the same these days for unarmed combat training)
- Kiwi the tires of the 5-tonner (YES I DID THAT)
- Soaked completely in my uniform, then sun dried completely and then soaked completely again.
- Spending the weekend cleaning the cookhouse’s rubbish dump.
- Eating cookhouse food. (Yeah if you think the food is bad now, try those that were cook by the NS Ah Bengs YUCK)
- Scrub the toilet so clean that you can eat from the floor. (NO I AM NOT LYING)
- Pick up leaves in front of the bloody office lines with my bare hands for 3 months.
- Burnt by the empty cartridges from that idiot at the firing lane next to me.

Looking back these are some of the things that make the man out of boys. I am proud I did that and till today am still a combat fit soldier. No like those sissies or white horse sitting in office as clerk or drivers. Worst are those who Keng! I see you no up.

Although we lament that NS is a waste of time, I have to agreed that some of the things we do are totally useless (like burning weekend to support National Days/ CO passing out parade…blah blah blah). But looking at the bright side it makes a better person out of moi.

Happy National Day Singapore from my the bottom of my heart and I won’t be showing it by flying the flag.


The Chansters said...

Mrs Chan writes:

Wah..but those clerk clerk type wan quite powderful wan u know...esp those with weird connections with the big guns.

The Chansters said...

Mr Chan writes:

Very interesting blog. Really make me think back of the army days. Used to get Gold for IPPT, now can only aim for RT....

The Chansters said...

Mr Chan writes:

One more thing on stand-by-bed. The stupid bedsheet got to be so straight and crease-free machum like it has been ironed before.

HH said...

Mr Chan leg so long should be able to run what?!

I still can get Silver these days... kekeke...

The Chansters said...

If long leg = can run, then maybe u try asking Yaw Ming to run the 100 metres or smething since he take less steps to reach 100 metres, so should win the 100m sprint right?

HH said...

Long legs can run long distance. 100m are for those with over developed muscle beefcakes.

Food for thought - YOu don't even have to breath for a 100m sprint.

Now you try that for the 2.4km...haha...

Long legs not = can run.
But Long Legs = can run easiler.

Say a shoties like er... Julian? Haha...

Need 3000 steps to complete 2.4km.

Mr Chan with his long legs only needs 2000 steps.

Well how fast you can do it all depends on the rates of legs movmement thought.

: )