Come on how can a nation where you see, “States Land, No trespassing” signs on almost any open piece of land can achieve a World Cup Final Spots by 2010? Even China did not make it to the final this year.
No wonder FAS decided to ditch the project in 2003.
I am not saying a nation with small population will not be able to achieve excellent in sports but I believe our parents rather see their sons and daughter become a doctors, lawyers or a plastic surgeon. If they ever want to take up sports, take up those that are “more prestigious” like Golf and Sailing.
Maybe we should go for projects like WIND 2010 (Sailing) or EAGLE 2010 (GOLF).
So far I see the most successful sport is Table Tennis and even so we imported our players. SIGH…
Maybe if we import David Beckham, Ronaldino, Kaka etc to form the starting 11 then I think we shall not have a problem in getting into the world cup final. The project should be named GOAL 2004 long time ago if we started early.
Singapore Fifa world ranking = 111 position,2548,25998-Jul-2006,00.html

Mr Chan writes:
I think Singapore should just stick to what they do becoming cleanest country, safest country, country with the most nerds, country with biggst children population with glasses, etc. what we do best...amplify what we are doing well and bury those that we are not doing well...disband S.League altogether.
Hmm... you inspired me to blog on our nation..
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