Bought it in Taipei last month. Cheapest place to get a Tiger.
Will be looking out for another pair next month.

This is yet another joke and I must applaud Bennie’s optimism.
Remember what our goal was back in 1999? Yes to be in the final of world cup in 2010. (Hey its this year!)
After pouring in millions of tax-payer’s money, even formed a S-League, look at the state of our national team. Pathetic.
So now we are lowing our standard to be the TOP 10 in Asia. Goash! More money down the drain!
Yes I agreed that our National Team has improved compared to 10 years ago, but don’t forget so are all the National Teams in the world!
We will never keep up with those countries that has developed comprehensive programme to develop their soccer players.
We should just concentrate to win Gold in some, debates or Physics Olympics.
Most soccer fan here rather support a team in Europe rather then the national team I guess.