First workweek of the year just in case you guys don’t know the electric fee has gone up in January. (Just a reminder). We are in a new decade already!
So what do I expect in the year 2011?
Globally I think we are still in the recovery process since the financial crisis in 2008. I expect gone case US economy and China is the where investors are heading. Economy growth will definitely be slower then before and I predict it is a good year to invest and the system will reach it peak at 2013 before it starts crashing again.
Now for National issue.
Well guess there will be a presidential and General Election this year. I certainly hope I will be able to vote for the very 1st time! I also hope there will be more opposition being voted into the parliament to provide alternate views in National issues.
I also guess we will be have a new President and Nathan will be retiring to enjoy life finally.
Cost of living in Singapore will definitely continue to rise this year and do expect to see some “goodies” before the elections but everything will be taken back tri-fold after that as Singaporean are proven to have short term memories. I like to remind all out there remember the old NS guys got shit from the $10K pay out due to our expiry dates.
Personally I hope I will be moving on doing a different job scope. Hopefully within the company but shall not rule of new opportunities.
Will be going for my Aikido Shodan grading this year. After 10 years of training and “nua” I guess I will be stepping up my skill.
I will also be officially on Mindef Reserve this year! Still have not received any letter on my actual day but I think it will be by March as this is MINDEF closure of a financial year. Yipee no more MODS Manning and calling the stupid notification center every time I travel.
Mobile Phone contract will ends this year so will be getting a new phone as well! Andriod or Apple?
If I get a good bonus this year will be getting a new watch as well. (or 2?)
I will also put in extra effort to keep fit and will be watching my diet a little. (Only apply when I am in Singapore hehe…)
Will be continuing with my 八卦掌 training and hopefully will have some new discoveries in the martial world. : P
I also promise myself I will make more time for families and friends. Some friends I have not met for 10years!
Its time to catch up.