Tuesday, March 28, 2006
What I found in my wallet
OK this is what I found in my 2000 Aigner wallet
1. $28 in notes and $2.30 in coins (Gosh I am broke!)
2. POSB ATM Card
3. ISETAN Debit Card
4. 3 Credit Cards
5. My IC
6. Driving Licence
7. CAAS and SQ Driving Licence
8. Cash Card
7. Photo of me and wife in Kyoto
8. My name card QTY 1
9. Couple of Credit Card and NETS receipts (Ok quite a lot!)
10. A Pendant of Virgin Mary and baby Jesue from Notre Dame
So whats in yours? : )
Monday, March 27, 2006
New Toy

Finally got my new nano working yesterday after uploading hundred odd songs into it. So now I have joined the kazillion Apple's dudes in the world.
Looking at my new toy, it never amazed me how fast technologies had improved over the years. The Nano is a MP3 player with a flash memory so it stored digital sound with no moving parts. Therefore you can run and jump and do whatever thing with vigourous movement and you can still enjoy you favourite music will not any skippage.
I still remember I got my first Sony Walkman (Not the Sony HP) in 1991. If you can still remember, walkman are for cassette tape, these days you rarely see them in Singapore anymore. At that time you are deem to by cool with tiny headphone sticking out of you ears and singing Michael Jackson's Beat it!!
Then came the digital revolution! CDs are replacing Cassette tape and many teenagers are switching the entire LP or Cassette collections to DIGITAL Compact Discs! Soon portable CD players are replacing Walkman. I got mine in 1994.
So now 12 years and two CDs player later, I got my very first MP3 player. Looking back from the good old LP days, we certainly have come a long way. And I never stop wondering what will we be listening to in 10 years time.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Met up with my army buddies last week and boy they are a bunch of late bloomers. Most of them had taken up running as a past time and these 30 plus uncle are beating people 5-8 years their junior. Few of them are running daily clocking distance up to 10km each sessions.
Mind you these people can't run during their NS days and I used to beat them hands down, now I am really inspired to run my first 10km after such a long time. So yesterday evening I started to run around my estate. Did about 1.8 km in 15 min I think.
Felt a little short of breath the the beginning but on the whole it is quite enjoyable. ( At least now I don't feel like a bag of potatoes). Gotta increase my pace and distance in the coming week.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Dae Jang Geum

Ok finally they starts showing Dae Jang Geum in Singapore on Channel U since this Tuesday. It will be show daily at 10pm from Monday to Firday.
Before that heared many friends got seriously hooked on this shows. Some watched it 5 times, some finish the whole series in 2 days! (Please note it is 54 episodes). Also the show had taken asia by storm!!!!
So being a curious cat, I managed to watch the 1st two episodes on Tuesday and Wedesday and hey man it is really quite good!
Daejanggeum is a historical TV drama set in the 16th century royal court of the Joseon dynasty and basically show how the main character Dae Jang Gueum (starring actress Lee Young-ae, what a babe) rose from an imperial cook to be a sucessful physician.
Again the show had boosted Korean Tourism, as fans from all over asia are storming to Korean to visit the sets and to try the food featured in the show.
Now I gotta beg my sister in law to lend me the DVDs and here comes sleepless nighs....
Monday, March 13, 2006
Many of you many have notice that the standard of SQ stewardess are declining. (Or is it me only?)
Not only the appearance but personally I've realised the service level had gone down as well.
While on the flight back, when asked what would I like to drink with my meal, I asked for a CAN of coke. Instead, the stewardess gave me an empty cup and an opened can of coke which has content that is only enought to just filled up the bloody cup.
Geeze! Can they tell the different what is a CAN of Coke and a cup of coke with an empty can.
Thursday, March 02, 2006

Anyong Ha Sa yo!Ok ever since the Korean Drama craze started by the dear Bay Young Jun in Winter Sonata, Korea has become one of the most visited country by Singaporean, Malaysian, Taiwanese and Hong Kongers.
I have been to Korea twice. Nice food, beautiful country-side but boy, what a crowd in Seoul!
Personally I feel that there are more peopl in Seoul then anywhere else in the world, even Tokyo.
If you think Orchard Road on a Saturday afternoon is bad, wait till you go to Meong Dong (See pic). Also the Korean are a bit rought, being pushed and pushing in the crowd is a norm. I myself had clobbered a few guys and gals but they seem quite used to it. Something I like about Korea is that it is one of the cities that really never sleep. Shopping at Dongdamun is almost on for 24hours! Although most people that shop at night at distributor from all over the country.
Hey wait a minute! Where are the crowd that I've mentioned in the pic? Ok the picture was taken at 7am, guess the Korean are still in bed? Hee...
I still remember I am going for Breakfast at Dunkin Donuts... mm... can't find that in Singapore now.