Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Community Centers
Not that I am a avid user of its facilities,(I tried to book the badminton courts a few time but the number of activities they have there make my successful rates rather slim), but what make it interesting my GRC is using it as a home base for all sort of activities and my GRC Minister had his weekly meeting there.
So what I have observed.
My GRC’s Minister visits the CC a least once a week. He is being escorted by a white VOLVO XC 90 with has those stylo siren light fitted at the windscreen. If you look carefully, it even has a display sign at the rear with read “POLICE KEEP CLEAR”. Gosh so you can’t ask them for help if you are being robbed. (PS: Not bad leh, can drive VOLVO XC90 when you are on duty.)
How you know if your Minister is visiting today?
Easy, you can see a marked police car with a couple of policemen there to secure the ground before the Minister entourage arrive. This is not enough; there is also a member of the plain cloth bodyguard there to secure the secured ground. I think they are quite poor thing as I witness one of the bodyguard munching his dinner while keep a look out for the VIP entourage.
When the Minister drive into the CC compound, the police or bodyguard will block off all pedestrian and a throng of grass-root members will appear out of no where and to welcome him.
There used to be a big grass patch next to the CC, but hey had expanded the CC ground by constructing a large multipurpose concrete ground with super lightings over it.
People used it for their weekly CC activities, Taichi, wushu, aikido,Tae Kwan Do and not to forget the yearly Grassroot’s , CNY Dinner, Mooncake Festival Dinner, National Day’s dinner etc etc. It can even double up as a car park when there are some special events.
It quite interesting to stay near a Community Center, I used to stayed in front of another one when I was young. But strangely I barely used the facilities in this 2 CC. In-fact I think I only used them 2-3 times in my life.
I think the facilities in my CC now cater more to the children.
Lots of enrichment classes and activities for kids.
Think kids has no more time to catching spider or play catching these days.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
World Class Transport my ass!

I usually check the SBS Iris next bus system before I go to the bus stop at the end of the day.
Check out the 2nd bus arrival time during evening peak hour at about 5.35pm!
Either the system is faulty (screw up) or the bloody work class transport company really need to review their profit margin.
For God’s sake 44min – 6min = 38min for a bus to come is totally crap!
Does this justify for their annual fare increase? You say for youself.
Monday, March 23, 2009
My New Luggage
I think the delivery service in Singapore sucks and is just plain stupid.
They only can do delivery from 10am – 6 pm, from Monday to Saturday and you can only specify whether you want them to come in the morning, 10am – 1pm, or in the afternoon, 2pm – 6pm.
So if you are a working adult, there is just no way you can get your deliveries done on Monday to Friday.
So you only left with Saturday, and you have to stay at home either in the morning or afternoon to wait for your deliveries. Needest to say, I bet Saturdays are their busiest days.
This has already made me think twice before buying anything from Takashimaya again.
Friday, March 20, 2009
New Law Suggestion
Some suggestion to be included in our penal code.
Make our Nation a better place LAW
Voluntarily standing on the wrong side of the escalator.
555. Whoever, voluntarily stand on the wrong side of the escalator at any Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) Station, shall be punished with corrective action by directing human traffic on escalator at any MRT’s station for a term which may extend to 15 years, and shall also be liable to fine or to caning.
Playing of Music/Sound via portable devices on Public Transport.
556. Whoever use his/her portable devices to play audible sound when there are other people in the Public Transport voluntarily causes hurt for the sufferer, shall be punished with imprisonment in a cell with two loud speaker place no more then 5 cm from both his/her ears playing a sound/music which the offence don’t like for a term which may extend to 10 years, and shall also be liable to fine or to caning.
Failed to switch mobile to silent mode in cinema or theater
557. Whoever failed to switch his/her mobile devices and causing it to ring non-stop during a show or performance in the stipulated cinemas or theaters, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 5years, and shall also be liable to fine or to caning.
Sitting with his legs up against the back of the front seat on a public bus.
558. Whoever places his legs up against the back of the front seats shall be punished by having the relevant leg/legs amputated.
Illegal gathering of credit card sellers / time-share promoter.
559. When any person commit or attempt to commit a transaction places by approaching the public shall be punished with death by firing squad.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
How dumb our law is.
Phone threats a non-seizable offence
WE REFER to Madam Tan Lian Gim's letter, 'No action on phone threat' (March 11). Under the law, verbal threat is a non-seizable offence where the police have limited powers of investigation and arrests.
Nonetheless, when a report is made, the police will look into the facts and if no aggravating factor is found, the police will advise the complainant to lodge a complaint before a magistrate, who has the power to direct further action as provided under the law.
The magistrate can direct the police to lawfully investigate the case and take further action where appropriate.
In Madam Tan's case, the police had found no aggravating factor and Madam Tan's husband was thus advised to lodge a magistrate's complaint accordingly.
DSP Paul Tay,
Assistant Director, Media Relations,
Singapore Police Force
This is another case of how stupid Singapore Law is.
The police simply try not to do anything at all.
The question is will the Police still give this kind of attitude if the person being threatened is a MP, Minister or the 3 wise men themselves?
So theoretically I can call someone in the middle of the night, verbally threatened them in a polite and none aggravating tone and then apologized.
The police cannot do anything to me. (But to make sure, you call someone who is poor so he cannot hired a lawyer to sue you, see the law protect the rich)
Else you will end up in court like him.
Geez….. Think the police do a better job in harassing opposition parties then to protect innocent taxpayer from gangsters and speeding cyclists.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
How to make your money worth.
Weather was typical spring, unpredictable.
Temperature ranged from 13C – 30C and most day it was raining. But nevertheless I had a great time there. Bought lots of comics and ate till I drop.
I seem to enjoy myself when I am oversea. Call me a bias but I don’t really like the fake concrete jungle Singapore is today. Things are expensive and people think they own the whole countries. Only think on the gahment mind is nothing but $.
In Taipei, cabs are everywhere! It is really quite competitive to be a Cab driver in Taipei.
Also the cab don’t have out super complex fare system too, not peak hours surcharge, no midnight surcharge…. etc.
On the train people actually reserved the Priority Seats for the elderly and people do STAND ON ONE SIDE on the escalator. Try teaching a Singaporean / FT in Singapore to do that is like ramming your head into the wall.
Foods are cheaper and are of better quality then those you get in Singapore. I guess Singapore food are all frozen and imported cheaply so the merchant can survive. Therefore to get good quality food in Singapore you have to pay a bomb.
Comics and clothes are much cheaper then Singapore too.
I guess the killer in Singapore are the rents and the shop owner has no choice to sell their stuff more expensive to pay the landlord.
Conclusion – Singaporean are being short-changed with the quality and services they get from things they buy here. As a big percentage of what you pay for are channeled to the gahment.
My advice, save you money and spent in oversea. You will not regret it.
Friday, March 06, 2009
How SAF haress NS-men long after their ROD.
I was cleared of my FFI in Dec 2008 and my IPPT window will close in May 2009.
Sometime in Dec, I received 2 SMS from MINDEF automated system reminding me to clear my IPPT by May 2009.
I check the on-line NS portal then and as what I suspected, my unit has not update my FFI status so MINDEF is still sending me these SMS reminder. Note I can’t even book my IPPT date since my FFI is not clear. Wow! The system so advance.
So I called my unit up and finally MINDEF system was update in Jan 2009 and I booked my IPPT test in Apr 2009.
Thinking this will be automatically updated the MINDEF Super Advance system?
I still keep getting these stupid MINDEF’s SMS reminding me to clear my IPPT before May 2009.
Gosh! I can’t do that now stupid! My IPPT test is in April!!
Monday, March 02, 2009
Good old days!
Wah this is classic man!
Look out for the tabe at 义安理工学院武术龙狮团.
Ouch! #@$!@%
Or a warning from the man above to the men in white?
What is can say is that the Merlion is damn “suay” man.
March 2, 2009
Merlion caged
THE Merlion had to be 'caged'' yesterday for workers to examine the hole in its head.
A lightning strike on Saturday had taken a chunk off its mane. The debris landed on the statue's base, cracking it.
Testifying to its iconic status, the Singapore Tourism Board lost no time sending in the troops to see to the damage.
Tourists and residents alike gawked at the 8.6m sculpture yesterday, trying to make out its injury through the mass of scaffolding.
Mr Anton Johannson, 23, from Sweden, was disappointed that he could not capture the Merlion 'in action'' on camera. It had stopped spouting water. But when told of the lightning strike, he cheered up: 'Now we have a story to tell people!''
STB did not say if this was the first time the Merlion, sited at One Fullerton, had been struck by lightning and whether there was a lightning conductor nearby that could have saved it from harm.