Thursday, April 28, 2011

So be it!

PM Lee: No by-election if PAP loses a GRC

ST Online 27 Apr.

IF A GRC is lost at the May 7 General Election - and a Minister along with it - Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong does not plan to call a by-election to try and get him elected and back into government, he told the Lianhe Zaobao Chinese daily.

'Elections are a serious thing,' he said in an interview published on Tuesday 'The voters have decided, and we will accept the voters' decision.'

He added that voters, too, would have to live with the consequences of their choice to turf a Minister out.

'There are no safety nets in real life. So it's best not to take the risk.'

Personally I won’t mind dropping a few Ministers.

They are dead woods.

I wonder what will PM think if he himself lost his AMK GRC?

Also I am sick of these PAP people tell us Election is important, we must vote carefully, think of the future, look at past track record…etc etc,

Damned it! We are doing that and is that why you are afraid?